Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our First Blog

Well, we're venturing into the world of blogging. Not sure if anyone will actually read this thing, but hey, it gives us something to do in our spare time (like we have any of that these days).

Kate will turn 6 months on Saturday. It's hard to believe half a year has gone by since she was born. We're having a blast being parents and have had a busy fall. Football games, pumpkin patches and of course a pork butt or three on the Big Green Egg.

Oh, I guess we should explain the title of our blog in this first post. Ever since Anna bought me my Big Green Egg smoker for our first anniversary, I've added a new hobby of BBQ. I've always loved to eat it, but now I love to make it. If you smoke it they will come. Friends and family always say I should open a restaurant, but I'm not quiting my day job anytime soon. Anyway, if we ever were to open a restaurant it would be called The Hogan Hut, with the tagline "Get your butt at The Hogan Hut." For now, we'll just enjoy the BBQ in our own house. Here are some pictures from this fall with Kate.


Katie Leipprandt said...

I'll be your official first blog follower! You know Dad is going to have fun with this because he thinks blogging is narcissistic. : ) But I am all about it!! Soon you will be joining blog contests and taking home videos just to post them.

ewinner said...

i'm having problems becoming a follower. it won't let me join???? discrimination.....

ewinner said...

awesome. i'm in. excited to see what y'all post :) love you guys.